
Beadledom Client is a JAX-RS 2.0 based HTTP Client for Java. It provides a wrapper around the JAX-RS 2.0 client API along with some additional functionality including a CorrelationIdFilter that will set a correlation id header on all client calls.

Beadledom Client is designed to provide a common way of writing Java HTTP clients. It internally wraps another implementation of HTTP Client to execute the HTTP requests. Similarly to, and to stay consistent with, Beadledom the JAX-RS 2.0 client API provides a default implementation by wrapping the Resteasy Client for creating HTTP clients.

Understanding the Resteasy client API is important for understanding the Beadledom Client API. Beadledom Client builds upon the Resteasy / JAX-RS APIs, providing some opinionated defaults, but otherwise being configurable in the same way as the Resteasy API. The Beadledom Resteasy Client configures a default HttpEngine using Apache HttpClient, with connection pool, for handling the requests made through Resteasy. The underlying HTTP mechanism can be overridden by setting a custom HttpEngine.

However, it is totally possible to plug in another HTTP Client implementation (ex: JerseyClient) for Beadledom Client to wrap. See how to add a different client internal implementation


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Beadledom Client can be used with JAX-RS resource annotated interfaces for creating easy to use clients.

public interface GithubResource {
  List<Repo> getRepos(@PathParam("org") String org);

The Beadledom Client Proxy can generate an implementation of the GithubResource interface.

BeadledomClient client = BeadledomResteasyClientBuilder.newBuilder().build();
BeadledomWebTarget target ="");

GithubResource github = target.proxy(GithubResource.class);

BeadledomClientBuilder’s buildTarget method can be used to create a BeadledomWebTarget object.

BeadledomWebTarget target = BeadledomClientBuilder.newBuilder().buildTarget("");

GithubResource github = target.proxy(GithubResource.class);

The resource can then be used to make a call to the service.

List<Repo> repos = github.getRepos("cerner");

All of the same JAX-RS annotations that are used for service resources can be used for the client interface. The interface can even be re-used for both the client and service, with the service implementing the interface, but keeping the JAX-RS annotations on the interface. The annotations that can be used include, but are not limited to the following. Read the JAX-RS documentation for a full set of features.

  • @Consumes and @Produces for specifying media types
  • @Path for specifying the resource path
  • @GET, @PUT, @POST, @DELETE, etc. for HTTP Method
  • @PathParam for path parameters
  • @QueryParam for query parameters
  • @HeaderParam for header parameters

Generic Response

The Resteasy implementation of the auto-generated client proxy provides support for GenericResponse. This class provides a more typesafe mechanism for consuming a JAX-RS response.

public interface RepoResource {
    GenericResponse<Repo> getRepos(@PathParam("user") String user, @PathParam("repo") String repo));
GenericResponse<Repo> response = repoResource.getRepos("cerner", "beadledom");
if (response.isSuccessful() {
  Repo repo = response.getBody();
  // Do something with the repo

Using Parameters

Method parameters can be annotated with different parameter types and they will be sent as part of the request as the specified parameter type.


Header parameters will be added as request headers.

List<Repo> getRepos(@PathParam("org") String org, @HeaderParam("Time-Zone") String timezone);

Query Parameters

Query parameters will be appended to the request URI.

List<Repo> getRepos(@PathParam("org") String org, @QueryParam("page") long page);

Path Parameters

The path parameter will fill in the matching placeholder in the @Path annotation on the method.

List<Repo> getRepos(@PathParam("org") String org);

Request Body

A Request body for POST/PUT requests is specified as an unannotated method parameter.

Organization createOrg(Organization org);

JAX-RS Features and Providers

Existing and custom JAX-RS Features, Providers, including filters (ClientRequestFilter or ClientResponseFilter) wrapped with a Feature can be registered and used with the client.

BeadledomClient client = BeadledomResteasyClientBuilder.newBuilder()
    .register(new MyCustomProvider())

Authentication filters or serializers/deserializers like Jackson JSON can be registered and customized to meet the requirements of calling any service.

Additional Usage Documentation