
This module provides a guice module for providing JAX-RS specific bindings.

Correlation Id

The purpose of the correlation id is to associate request/response interactions. This allows tracing of an originating request throughout a system. This is helpful for debugging and logging purposes.

The CorrelationIdFilter reads the correlation id header from the request, adds it to the response headers, and adds it to the slf4j Mapped Diagnostic Context (MDC).

The correlation id will be taken from the correlation id request header if present, or generated if absent. The id will also be added to the response and to the MDC for logging.

The default header and mdc key name is Correlation-Id. However, both names are configurable through guice bindings. More on this later.

To include the correlation id in the catalina.out file using log4j, update the log format to include %X{Correlation-Id} replacing the name with your configured name.


Download using Maven

    <version>[insert latest version]</version>


The correlation id header and/or MDC name can overridden by adding a binding for your custom name and annotating it with @CorrelationIdHeader or @CorrelationIdMdc respectively.

public class MyModule extends AbstractModule {

  public void configure() {
    install(new JaxRsModule());

    String customCorrelationIdName = "Not-Default";


public class MyModule extends AbstractModule {

  private final String customCorrelationIdName = "Not-Default";

  public void configure() {
    install(new JaxRsModule());

  public String provideCorrelationIdHeader() {
    return customCorrelationIdName;

  public String provideCorrelationIdMdc() {
    return customCorrelationIdName;