
This project provides mechanisms for using Guice to manage lifecycle phases of a running application. Startup and shutdown lifecycle phases are supported through methods annotated with the JSR-250 annotations @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy. Methods annotated with @PostConstruct will execute at object provision time or application startup time for eager singletons. Methods annotated with @PreDestroy will be executed when the container LifecycleInjectr#shutdown method is executed.


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Creating a lifecycle container

Creating a lifecycle container is simple. All that is needed is an entry point and an exit point. This could be a ContextListener, a main method or anything else that fits the lifecycle pattern. The lifecycle of a container can be managed using a LifecycleInjector and the helper methods on GuiceLifecycleContainers. A container class can implement the LifecycleContainer marker interface so that the GuiceLifecycleContainers helper methods can be used.

In the entry point to a container the GuiceLifecycleContainers#initialize(Container, List<Module>) method should be called to initialize the lifecycle. This method will create a new LifecycleInjector with the supplied modules list, initialize lifecycle management, and inject any injectable fields and methods available on the container itself. The returned LifecycleInjector should be stored by the container and then LifecycleInjector#shutdown should be called when the container has finished executing.

LifecycleInjector implementations

This project includes a default implementation of LifecycleInjector that supports Java 6, but it is a simple implementation and should not be the preferred implementation if Java 8 can be used in your application. If Java 8 can be used, then the Governator implementation should be used. By including the beadledom-lifecycle-governator jar on your classpath, the Governator will automatically be used instead of the default implementation.