

I am seeing Optional[xxx] inside of my healthchecks

Mustache dependency resolution issue

The beadledom-health module has a dependency on Some older versions of do not have support for Java 8 which beadledom health needs. Not having Java 8 support would result in Optional fields not being unwrapped properly.
Suggested solution
Add an explicit dependency on version 0.9.0 of the dependency

Build Exceptions

I am seeing scala.collection.immutable.$colon$colon.hd$1()Ljava/lang/Object; a part of my exceptions

Scala version collision issue

What this usually telling you is that you have a scala version mismatch (Scala classes from 2.10 and 2.11 or 2.11 and 2.12 etc.). The best way we have found to resolve these inconsistencies is to do mvn dependency:tree -Dincludes:scala-library:: and search the output for anything containing the unwanted version of Scala. For instance scalatest_2.10 if you were using Scala 2.11.


I am seeing resources from clients being treated as service resource by swagger

Beadledom clients are automatically generated from API resources annotated with JAX-RS and Swagger annotations. API definitions from clients used in a service is getting merged with the service definition.
Suggested solution
Make your service module a private module, and expose only your server resources. In another module install ResteasyModule and bootstrap all the configurations needed for resteasy. In your ResteasyContextListener class install your service module and ResteasyBootstrapModule.