How to add an additional implementation for Beadledom Client

Adding implementation

  • Create a Maven Module and add the following dependencies
  • Add the following the classes into the new module
    • Implement the BeadledomClient interface that wraps the internal HTTP Client implementation. (ex: BeadledomResteasyClient).
    • Extend the BeadledomWebTarget class and implement the abstract methods. This can be the wrapper for the corresponding WebTarget of the Client implementation. (ex: BeadledomResteasyWebTarget)
    • Extend the BeadledomClientBuilder class and implement the abstract methods. This can be the wrapper for the corresponding Clientbuilder of the Client implementation. (ex: BeadledomResteasyClientBuilder)
    • Implement the BeadledomClientBuilderFactory interface that creates an instance of the implementation of BeadledomClientBuilder.
  • Add the SPI lookup file
    • Create a file under src/main/resources/META-INF/services/com.cerner.beadledom.client.BeadledomClientBuilder
    • Add the fully qualified class name of the implementation of BeadledomClientBuilder class. For example com.cerner.beadledom.client.resteasy.BeadledomResteasyClientBuilder

Guice Integration

  • Add the Guice dependencies into the new module

  • Add a binding for the BeadledomClientBuilderFactory, specific to the binding annotation.
OptionalBinder.newOptionalBinder(binder(), Key.get(BeadledomClientBuilderFactory.class, clientBindingAnnotation)))
              .setBinding().toInstance(new MyNewClientbuilderFactory());