Transforming Healthcare

We love solving the hard problems that no one else wants to tackle. We embrace polyglot programming, distributed systems, and open source. We also know that it's important to allow engineers to take a step back and try new things. That's why we host periodic hackathons, meetups, tech talks, and an annual internal two-day developers conference in addition to attending, sponsoring, and speaking at industry conferences.
At Cerner, we use the latest technologies to transform healthcare. We are the development and operations teams solving complex problems in the health care field to make you, your family, and friends healthy and happy.
Learn & Share

We attend a lot of technology conferences, and we also sponsor conferences to show Cerner's support for the industry. Cerner engineers are getting their talks accepted at conferences like Strange Loop, OSCON, ApacheCon,, and more. We feel so strongly about Cerner engineers speaking at conferences that if your talk is accepted at a conference, we'll pay your way to go!
Connect with Peers

DevCon is an internal, engineering-led conference that was created to bring together Cerner associates involved in all aspects of development and technology. DevCon is an opportunity for associates to learn, interact with distinguished leaders in their profession, and discuss significant topics to their specific role. The conference is intended to acknowledge the work associates do and see it as a craft, exciting other developers and engineers alike to connect and share ideas.Check out some of our session recordings on our Tech Talks page.
ShipIt is our 24 hour hackathon we routinely host throughout the year in Kansas City, Malvern, Bangalore, and Brasov. We believe this encourages ingenuity and collaboration by promoting cross-pollination of ideas and teams as they solve problems together. Teams in KC compete for the coveted Golden Keyboard and Golden Mouse trophies that travel the campus, each winning team adding a trinket to the trophy representing their unique winning project.Learn more about our ShipIt events in our past blog posts.
Share the Love

Today, the core technology behind many of our architectures and projects is open source. Participation in open source - both as consumers and as contributors - is a key component of our Engineering Culture strategy. The software industry as a whole has proven time and again that some of the best ideas, most robust tools, and broadly used tools come from the bazaar. We find it important to not only consume and contribute to these projects, but to recognize the contributions of our associates and support organizations like the Apache Software Foundation that we benefit from.
Stretch yourself as a developer, learn new ways of approaching a problem, and get exposed to other languages and techniques.
Get Social

Cerner hosts a plethora of internal and external events for engineers to network and learn from their peers including coderetreats, hack nights, and meetups. We value the local tech community by sponsoring meetups, conferences, and hack events as well as encourage and recognize our associates that participate and/or lead those activities.