

A maven build plugin for transferring resources, compiling CCL code and unit tests, executing the tests, and retrieving the test and code coverage results. Additional reporting plugins are used to add the results to the maven site.


Maven must be configured as described here.

The expected project layout is shown below. This can be overridden with configuration options.

  - src
      - main
          - ccl
          - resources
      - test      
          - ccl
          - resources

Here is the plugin specification.


A complete sample pom is available. It includes various reporting plugins discussed elsewhere. If mvn test -Pprofile succeeds but mvn test site -Pprofile fails, some of the reporting plugins are at fault. Remove them from the build or visit their individual documentation for suggestions.

A maven archetype is available to automatically create an empty starter project with the proper folder layout and the sample pom referenced above. Execute the following command to get started looking here for guidance on populating the prompts.
mvn archetype:generate -Dfilter=com.cerner.ccl.archetype:cclunit-archetype

A number of configuration options are available. Look here for details.

Don’t want your password showing up in log files? Look here.

Resolving Build Issues

Look here for guidance.

Goals and their Functions

All goals require a -Pprofile argument to indicate the target host and domain and credentials for them. All file transfers are performed using sftp.







File landing locations

Developer Notes

If you are building the plugin from source please note the following points.