
Password Logging Issues

Legacy versions of the CCL Unit plugins log passwords in log files. The latest verions do not, however, the expect4j plugin which is leveraged for back-end communications logs every command that is sent to the back end including the password used to log into CCL if maven’s debug log level is set using the -X command parameter. There is no way to prevent this programatically. The only option is to turn logging off for expect4j.ConsumerImpl. There are a number of options for doing this.


This seems to be the most convenient option and the cclunit-archetype and cclunit-maven-settings-check-archetype archetypes do this automatically.

Note that running this will set the specified system property for the lifetime of the current command terminal session.

Add the following line to the conf/logging/ file of your maven installation. org.slf4j.simpleLogger.log.expect4j.ConsumerImpl=off

The drawback here is forgetting to repeat this exercise when maven is upgraded.

“it” being org.slf4j.simpleLogger.log.expect4j.ConsumerImpl with value off.

