All Scenarios

travis - January 7, 2021

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Settings Cog Cucumber Forge

Feature: App Settings

<In order to> configure my experience with the app
<As a> user of cucumber-forge-desktop
<I want> to be able to adjust persistant settings for the app

Scenario: Toggling the settings view

Given there is a file named 'pets/dog_care.feature' with the following contents:

      Feature: Dog Care

        Scenario: Feeding the Dog
          Given the dog is hungery
          When I give dog food to the dog
          Then the dog will eat it

When the user clicks the settings button

Then the settings view will be displayed

When the user clicks the settings button

Then the settings view will be hidden

When the user clicks the settings button

Then the settings view will be displayed

When the user selects the 'pets' directory with the folder selection button

Then the report will be displayed

And the settings view will be hidden

When the user clicks the settings button

Then the settings view will be displayed

And the report will be hidden

When the user clicks the settings button

And the settings view will be hidden

Then the report will be displayed

Scenario: Selecting an alternative Gherkin dialect

Reports can be generated for features written with alternative Gherkin dialects by selecting
the proper Default Gherkin Dialect in the Cucumber Forge settings.

Given there is a file named 'pets/afrikaans.feature' with the following contents:

      Besigheid Behoefte: Hondsorg
          Gegewe Ek het 'n hond

        Situasie: Die hond voed
          Gegewe die hond is honger
          Wanneer I give dog food to the dog
          Dan Ek gee hondekos vir die hond

        Situasie Uiteensetting: Die hondjie klapper
          Wanneer Ek troeteldier van die hond se hare <direction:>
          Dan die hond sal <result>
          Maar die hond sal my nie byt nie
          En die hond sal kalmeer

            | direction:  | result      |
            | agteruit    | lek my hand |
            | voorspelers | grom        |

When the user clicks the settings button

And the user selects 'af' from the Default Gherkin Dialect drop-down menu

And the user selects the 'pets' directory with the folder selection button

Then the report will be displayed

And the report will contain 1 features

And the report will contain 2 scenarios

Scenario: Generating an HTML report for a feature file with an alternative Gherkin dialect when the language header is present in the feature

If there is a language header is present in the feature, that language will be prefered for that file when generating
report (regarless of the configured Default Gherkin Dialect in the Cucumber Forge setting). This allows for
generating reports for a set of feature files written with different Gherkin dialects.

Given there is a file named 'pets/dog_care.feature' with the following contents:

      Feature: Dog Care

        Scenario: Feeding the Dog
          Given the dog is hungery
          When I give dog food to the dog
          Then the dog will eat it

And there is a file named 'pets/panjabi.feature' with the following contents:

      # language: pa
      ਨਕਸ਼ ਨੁਹਾਰ: ਕੁੱਤੇ ਦੀ ਦੇਖਭਾਲ
          ਜਿਵੇਂ ਕਿ ਮੇਰੇ ਕੋਲ ਇੱਕ ਕੁੱਤਾ ਹੈ

        ਪਟਕਥਾ: ਕੁੱਤੇ ਨੂੰ ਖੁਆਉਣਾ
          ਜੇਕਰ ਕੁੱਤਾ ਭੁੱਖਾ ਹੈ
          ਜਦੋਂ ਮੈਂ ਕੁੱਤੇ ਨੂੰ ਖਾਣਾ ਦਿੰਦਾ ਹਾਂ
          ਤਦ ਕੁੱਤਾ ਇਹ ਖਾਵੇਗਾ

        ਪਟਕਥਾ ਰੂਪ ਰੇਖਾ: ਕੁੱਤਾ ਪਾਲ ਰਹੇ
          ਜਦੋਂ ਮੈਂ ਕੁੱਤੇ ਦੇ ਵਾਲ ਪਾਲਤੂ ਹਾਂ <direction:>
          ਤਦ ਕੁੱਤਾ ਕਰੇਗਾ <result>
          ਪਰ ਕੁੱਤਾ ਮੈਨੂੰ ਨਹੀਂ ਡੰਗੇਗਾ
          ਅਤੇ ਕੁੱਤਾ ਸ਼ਾਂਤ ਹੋ ਜਾਵੇਗਾ

            | direction: | result     |
            | ਪਿੱਛੇ ਵੱਲ     | ਮੇਰਾ ਹੱਥ ਚੱਟੋ |
            | ਅੱਗੇ        | ਫੁੱਟ         |

When the user clicks the settings button

And the user selects 'en' from the Default Gherkin Dialect drop-down menu

And the user selects the 'pets' directory with the folder selection button

Then the report will be displayed

And the report will contain 2 features

And the report will contain 3 scenarios

Feature: Generate Report

<In order to> record or communicate feature documentation
<As a> user of cucumber-forge-desktop
<I want> to generate HTML reports directly from the feature files in a directory


Given there is a file named 'pets/dog_care.feature' with the following contents:

      Feature: Dog Care
        <In order to> care for and enjoy my pet
        <As a> dog owner
        <I want> interact with my dog

          Given I have a dog

        Scenario: Feeding the Dog
          Given the dog is hungery
          When I give dog food to the dog
          Then the dog will eat it

        Scenario Outline: Petting the Dog
          Dog's do not like to be pet in the wrong direction.

          When I pet the dog's hair <direction:>
          Then the dog will <result>

            | direction: | result       |
            | backwards  | lick my hand |
            | forwards   | growl        |

And there is a file named 'pets/felines/cat_care.feature' with the following contents:

      Feature: Cat Care
        <In order to> care for and enjoy my pet
        <As a> cat owner
        <I want> interact with my cat

          Given I have a cat

        Scenario: Feeding the Cat
          Given the cat is hungery
          When I give the following food to the cat:
            | fish  |
            | steak |
          Then the cat will eat it

        Scenario Outline: Petting the Cat
          Cat's do not like to be pet in the wrong direction.

          When I pet the cat's hair <direction:>
          Then the cat will hiss

            | direction: |
            | backwards  |
            | forwards   |

Scenario: Generating an HTML report for the features in a directory and its sub-directories

When the user selects the 'pets' directory with the folder selection button

Then the report will be displayed

And the report name on the sidebar will be 'All Scenarios'

And the project title on the sidebar will be 'pets'

And the report will contain 2 features

And the report will contain 4 scenarios

Scenario Outline: Generating an HTML report filtered by a tag

Provided tags can include the '@' symbol, but it is not required.

When the user enters the value <tag:> into the filter text box

And the user selects the 'pets' directory with the folder selection button

Then the report will be displayed

And the report name on the sidebar will be <tag:>

And the report will contain 2 features

And the report will contain 2 scenarios



Scenario Outline: Filtering a report by a tag when the report has already been generated

Given the user selects the 'pets/felines' directory with the folder selection button

And the report is displayed

And the report contains 2 scenarios

And the report name on the sidebar is 'All Scenarios'

When the user enters the value 'feeding' into the filter text box

And the user <action:>

Then the report will be displayed

And the report will contain 1 scenario

And the report name on the sidebar will be 'feeding'


clicks the filter button
presses enter

Feature: Save Report

<In order to> record or communicate feature documentation
<As a> user of cucumber-forge-desktop
<I want> to save HTML reports generated from the feature files


Given there is a file named 'pets/dog_care.feature' with the following contents:

      Feature: Dog Care
        <In order to> care for and enjoy my pet
        <As a> dog owner
        <I want> interact with my dog

          Given I have a dog

        Scenario: Feeding the Dog
          Given the dog is hungery
          When I give dog food to the dog
          Then the dog will eat it

        Scenario Outline: Petting the Dog
          Dog's do not like to be pet in the wrong direction.

          When I pet the dog's hair <direction:>
          Then the dog will <result>

            | direction: | result       |
            | backwards  | lick my hand |
            | forwards   | growl        |

And there is a file named 'pets/felines/cat_care.feature' with the following contents:

      Feature: Cat Care
        <In order to> care for and enjoy my pet
        <As a> cat owner
        <I want> interact with my cat

          Given I have a cat

        Scenario: Feeding the Cat
          Given the cat is hungery
          When I give the following food to the cat:
            | fish  |
            | steak |
          Then the cat will eat it

        Scenario Outline: Petting the Cat
          Cat's do not like to be pet in the wrong direction.

          When I pet the cat's hair <direction:>
          Then the cat will hiss

            | direction: |
            | backwards  |
            | forwards   |

Scenario: Saving an HTML report

Given the user selects the 'pets/felines' directory with the folder selection button

And the report is displayed

And the project title on the sidebar is 'felines'

When the user clicks the save button

Then the report will be saved in a file called 'felines.html'

Scenario: Saving an HTML report that is filtered by a tag

Given the user enters the value 'feeding' into the filter text box

And the user selects the 'pets' directory with the folder selection button

And the report is displayed

And the report name on the sidebar is 'feeding'

And the project title on the sidebar is 'pets'

When the user clicks the save button

Then the report will be saved in a file called 'feeding_pets.html'