Building Bunsen =============== Bunsen is built with Apache Maven 3.3 or higher running in an environment with Java 8 or newer. Python users will also want to create a virtual environment with Python 2.7 or Python 3.4 or newer. Simple Builds ------------- Bunsen can be built and packaged by simply running the following command in any environment where Maven is installed: >>> mvn clean install -Dskip.python.tests=true This will produce a bunsen-assembly zip file that can be unzipped in used in any Spark or PySpark environment like this: >>> unzip >>> export PYTHONPATH=$PWD/bunsen-assembly-0.x.y/python:$PYTHONPATH >>> pyspark --jars bunsen-assembly-0.x.y/jars/bunsen-shaded-0.x.y.jar Running Python Tests -------------------- Running Bunsen's Python tests requires the Apache Spark and Python dependencies be available. Once Python itself is installed on the build machine, users may want to create a separate vitualenv for the project to isolate it from other usage. Installing Bunsen's python dependencies is done by running the following command in the Bunsen project root directory: >>> make --directory python After that, users can simply run the "mvn clean install" command as seen below to build, test, and install the project in the local Maven repository: >>> mvn clean install Users who have an existing Spark installation they want to use can set the SPARK_HOME For instance, if you have a Spark installation in /usr/local/spark you want to use for the Python tests, you can set this before building the project: >>> export SPARK_HOME=/usr/local/spark